Friday, September 29, 2006

Change is Good

Well I felt I had made some real progress when I solidified my condensed problem statement for 638 and chose my theorist for 633. But once I spent some time digging into finding resources to support my literature review, I found that I was not done at all. I'm retooling my statement and have found a new theorist that better fits my ARP direction. I found it very eye opening that I could feel so confident in what I had accomplished then return to it a week or two later and discover that it was insufficient.

Friday, August 4, 2006

My Environment, More Than Just Green Plants

So I have written about the environment where I work and also wrote a first draft of my problem statement. Usually the word “environment” makes me think about nature, like animals, trees, plants, and Al Gore. But this was about a different plant; the plant where I work. Through it all, I have found that those writings were reflections in and of themselves. I find myself also now thinking about what could “tip” that environment in a positive way. I’m thinking about my employees, wondering what motivates them to learn and how they learn.

Also, after writing about my environment and reading about others’, it strikes me just how diverse this group of students is. When I initially set out to look at improving myself with continued education, I first looked at the traditional MBA which most in my field pursue. I may still pursue that in the future. But this experience seems very enriching to me. I’m working with individuals who have a common interest with me; that is improving learning and education in their sphere of influence. But they are not all from the manufacturing and sales industries with which I am familiar. Many are from educational institutions. Some work with children. Even in my short time at VirtCamp, some of my preconceived notions about K-12 teachers have changed. I can see value in this program beyond my work environment in dealing with my children who are homeschooled. This should be an interesting journey.